Rejuvenating Sleep

Author: Meera Patel, Ayurveda Practitioner
In Ayurveda, all sleep isn’t created equally. Ever notice how some people can sleep 10+ hours and still feel tired, while some can thrive on 7 hours? The truth is that quality is much more important than quantity. Ayurveda has provided the perfect recipe to experience rejuvenating sleep. Start by journaling 2-3 lines on the first top 3 things that come to your mind. Next, visualize how those 3 things affect your life in the long run. Lastly, imagine how those 3 things are opportunities in your life. We often underestimate the power of our thoughts and how they ever so subtly become our actions. Our minds are full of never-ending thoughts that just need a safe place to go, to avoid becoming destructive (tamoguni). Journaling is a masterful way to keep our mind at bay. Mastering the mind is the perfect recipe to rejuvenating sleep